Monday, February 2, 2015

Math is Fun!

On January 29, the SMS Math department hosted its second annual Math Night in the Holy Family Center.  Students in grades 6-8 displayed their individual projects, and class projects were displayed for grades K-5.

Kindergartners are rolling with math by adding with dice, while 1st graders are exploring math with technology.  Second graders are applying their math skills within their science lessons by counting, estimating, measuring, comparing and hypothesizing with pumpkin math.  Third grade is using (M&M’s) to learn sorting, adding and graphing.

In 4th grade, a group of students applied multiplication and problem solving strategies to plan a holiday party, while the others learned about the mathematician Fibonacci, solving his intriguing “rabbit” problem and exploring how patterns and numbers relate to the “Golden Ratio” which is used in art and architecture.

A group of 5th graders is doing math with technology.  They are learning the basic concepts of Computer Science with drag and drop programming.  A puzzle game, Lightbot, is a tool that uses programming game mechanics to let players gain a practical understanding of basic coding.  The students learn to sequence instructions, write procedures, and utilize loops to solve problems at different levels.  Another group of 5th graders will be displaying what they learned by planning and budgeting a trip to a dream destination.  They learned how to plan a trip, estimate cost and create a budget.

6th Grade – Game Design
Games are an integral part of all societies.  Games and learning enjoy a connection that predates digital technology by thousands of years.  For example, did you know that the game of chess was used in the Middle Ages and Renaissance to teach nobleman the strategies of war?  Not until the mid twentieth century did the association between games and learning begin to capture the public’s appreciation.

Since kids love games, so what better way is there to promote learning than to have students develop educational math games that are exciting to them?  This year the 6th grade class project involved designing a math game that incorporated at least eight different math concepts and could be played in the classroom and/or with family and friends at home.  The games not only must incorporate math concepts, but should also include mathematical practice skills including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, sense-making and reasoning all connecting to the real world.  Students may choose to design a board, computer, sports or almost any other type of game.  The students estimated how much it would cost to manufacture the game, how to price it, and develop a marketing / sales campaign to sell it to make money

7th Grade - Architectural Mathematics Dream House Project
Designing a dream house is an exciting, challenging, and rewarding experience that can spark interest and creativity while learning.

In the 7th grade project, students had the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and mathematical knowledge while designing their dream house.  The objective was to design a family-friendly house and yard that they can sell for a profit.  This applied mathematics project provided the students the opportunity to “dream” and have fun with mathematical concepts, while applying them to real-life learning situations. Students working in groups of 3-4 applied for construction loans, and designed their house and yard using bubble diagrams that evolved to scaled blue prints and, ultimately, 3D physical models.

Accelerated 7th Grade - The “Game of Life” Financial Literacy Project
In today’s complex financial world, being financially literate is a critical life skill… as important as reading, writing, and arithmetic.  Let’s face it – kids like money.  So combining financial education with math instruction is a fabulous way to teach and excite students about math and educate them about financial literacy.

This year in the 7th grade Accelerated Pre-Algebra class, students had the opportunity to apply math skills to many of life’s costly challenges, while learning important financial concepts along the way.  Students explored personal finance and financial literacy all on the context of the “Game of Life’.  Students gained a general understanding of all key aspects of personal finance, however, as with reality of life, they were also thrown curve balls along the way that required them to continuously have to adjust their budgets

8th Grade - The Bridge Project
We all know a successful bridge or structure design is one that does not collapse.  However, have you ever wondered how engineers are confident that their design will not have disastrous results as the Tacoma Narrows Bridge that literally shook itself apart?  The answer lies in making sure that the strength of the bridge, including the materials from which it is made, is able to support all the forces that may act on it.  From Newton’s Third Law of Motion we know that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  In other words, if you push against a wall (action) it pushes back against you (reaction).  Nothing moves.  Today, engineers design and build bridges that range in size from superstructures crossing wide estuaries to small pedestrian bridges spanning busy roads. 

Using K’NEX construction sets, students were introduced to the history, function, structural design, geometry and strength of bridges. Our 8th graders developed a deep understanding of the forces involved in structures, the physical properties of materials, and their applications in the design and construction of bridges

As students used the K’NEX set, they had the opportunity to acquire skills using a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to information and concepts.  When the time came for the students to design and build their own bridges of glue and toothpicks, the designs will have sound structural knowledge behind them.

Terri I Chapman
Middle School Math Curriculum Chair

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