Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Catholic-Muslim Dialogue in Social Studies

“We fear things we do not understand, and we often fight what we fear.”- Monsignor Dennis Mikulanis
The California State Standards for Social Studies require all 7th graders to study the origins, beliefs, and spread of Islam. Last Tuesday, as a part of this study, students from St. Michael’s 7th Grade had the opportunity to meet two of San Diego’s most important religious leaders: Monsignor Dennis Mikulanis and Imam Taha Hassane.  Monsignor Mikulanis, the pastor of San Raphael parish, is also the head of interfaith relations for the Diocese of San Diego. Imam Hassane leads the county’s largest mosque: the Islamic Center of San Diego.  Both gentlemen belong to an organization known as the West Coast Catholic-Muslim Dialogue.  As such, they travel up and down the west coast discussing the importance of positive interfaith relationships between Catholics and Muslims. They were kind enough to take time out of their busy schedules to come speak to our 7th graders and answer students’ questions.

A central theme of the day was the many similarities between Catholics and Muslims. Both faiths trace their roots back to Abraham, the first person to worship the one true God. Because of this, they share similar beliefs about love, peace, and justice. They also share similar practices, such as daily prayer and periodic fasting.  Students asked Imam Hassane questions about what it’s like to be a Muslim, including what it’s like to travel to Mecca or how hard it is to fast for a whole month during Ramadan. 

Besides asking questions about practicing Islam, students asked about Islamic extremism. Imam Hassane emphasized the fact that Islam is a religion of peace and that extremists such as the members of ISIS do not reflect an accurate version of Islam.  Adding to the Imam’s comments, Monsignor Mikulanis discussed why it’s so important to study and understand other faiths by stating, “We fear things we do not understand, and we often fight what we fear.”

As a culminating activity, students wrote thank you letters to both men. Their letters discussed the lessons learned, including an appreciation for building a more peaceful world through interfaith relationships. The recent attack by Islamic extremists on a magazine in Paris bears witness to the importance of building such relationships.

-Tyler Schumacher 

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