The Season of Advent is upon us, and during these next four
weeks, we anticipate and reflect not only on the birth of the Messiah, but we
also prepare for His Second Coming. In this First Sunday of Advent, Mark’s
Gospel reminds us to “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will
At first glance, these words seem a bit ominous, but, in
fact, this is a message of hope. Our lives are filled with moments of joyful
anticipation, and oftentimes this can be elating: watching as the sun dips
below the horizon, looking forward to the cherry trees blossoming each spring,
waiting for a toddler to take his first steps. American novelist Nicholas
Sparks remarks, “Never forget that anticipation is an important part of life…without
excitement, you have nothing. You’re cheating yourself if you refuse to enjoy
what’s coming.” A. A. Milne’s character Winnie the Pooh explains anticipation
this way: “ ‘Well,’ said Pooh, ‘what I like best,’ and then he had to stop and
think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a
moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but
he didn’t know what it was called.”
As faithful Christians, we spend the next four weeks getting
ready. We light our Advent candles, listen to familiar Christmas carols, and
adorn our homes to reflect the festivities; even baking and purchasing gifts reminds
us of what is to come. We do this with a
watchful eye, vigilant, alert, and prepared.
So let us fly on the wings of anticipation this Advent, and be ready for
all the glory that this Season holds.
Kathleen Mock
St. Michael’s School
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