Saturday, December 20, 2014

Encountering Christ

When asked in casual conversation what I do for a living, my answer--“I teach middle school”--is commonly met with the reply--”Oh.” Then, I change the subject, because I couldn’t begin to explain how much I love and appreciate middle schoolers’ unique blend of frenetic energy, refreshing candor, and deep faith. They keep me on my toes, they prevent me from taking myself too seriously, and they motivate me to pray more and more. In the Church’s prayer of the final phase of Advent, we encounter a different kind of “O”  in the “O Antiphons” from December 17 to 24. We cry out in fervent prayer and joyful expectancy:

O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love;
come to teach us the path of knowledge!

Christ, the wisdom and the Word of God, has, in one sense, already come.  God the Son-- the Christ at the center of Christmas-- was present at the dawn of creation, and spoke us into being. The three persons of the Trinity willed that humans be a reflection of the divine: “Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness” (Gen 1:26). Whenever we take time to prepare our hearts before Mass, we participate in an abbreviated Advent and Christmas, and Christ truly makes his home in us.

Christ, in another sense, has not yet come: we await the joyful celebration of Christmas and the final advent on the Last Day. Mindfulness of life’s shortness, rather than causing one to be fearful of death, can motivate active participation in the Church community and lifelong study of Scripture. At the end of my life, I like to imagine God asking me, “So how did you like my Book?”  ...and I want to be able to respond to Him, sharing my favorite parts of salvation history, and asking questions about the chapters that I puzzled over for years. Hebrews 4:12 proclaims:

“Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.”

This Christmas vacation, take a moment or two to encounter Christ in Scripture.  Let it touch your heart, heal your soul, and refresh your spirit in this time of busy-ness. 

-Sarah Wright, Middle School Religion Teacher

Storyboard for a stop-motion film based on Genesis 33, when Jacob and Esau meet and reconcile

Monday, December 8, 2014


It could be that your child came home to you last Wednesday after our School Mass and happily told you that he or she was perfect. With that statement, school parents were ready to call Father John and ask him to visit whenever it’s time to clean up or go to bed! Whatever happened to “repent, the time is near”?

When Father first posed the question, “Who here is perfect?” few hands tentatively waved.  Even during class discussions, students questioned the notion of their own perfection“Most people don’t think they are perfect, but it’s nice that Father reminded us that God loves us anyway.” How can we be perfect when we slip up in so many ways? 

The answer: it is Christ in us who brings us to perfection. Reflections of the students show that they did get the message.God sees us as good people. We are perfect when we areourselves.” “We have perfect in each of us, as long as we have Jesus in us.” “Through…salvation we are made perfect.” God made us perfect. If anyone tells us otherwise, keep thinking ‘I’m perfect, so is everyone else.’”

As we continue our Advent journey, we are called to recognize and make ready the way for God to come to us. We have been challenged by scripture “to be found without spot or blemish before Him…then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.”

We wait in joyful hope. What a wonderful reminder we have each year that Christ has come to dwell with us, is with us! We just have to acknowledge and accept this presence, to kindle it and let it grow so that others may see the perfection of God shining through us.

Terry Gase
Vice Principal

Monday, December 1, 2014

Joyful Anticipation

The Season of Advent is upon us, and during these next four weeks, we anticipate and reflect not only on the birth of the Messiah, but we also prepare for His Second Coming. In this First Sunday of Advent, Mark’s Gospel reminds us to “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.”

At first glance, these words seem a bit ominous, but, in fact, this is a message of hope. Our lives are filled with moments of joyful anticipation, and oftentimes this can be elating: watching as the sun dips below the horizon, looking forward to the cherry trees blossoming each spring, waiting for a toddler to take his first steps. American novelist Nicholas Sparks remarks, “Never forget that anticipation is an important part of life…without excitement, you have nothing. You’re cheating yourself if you refuse to enjoy what’s coming.” A. A. Milne’s character Winnie the Pooh explains anticipation this way: “ Well,’ said Pooh, ‘what I like best,’ and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.

As faithful Christians, we spend the next four weeks getting ready. We light our Advent candles, listen to familiar Christmas carols, and adorn our homes to reflect the festivities; even baking and purchasing gifts reminds us of what is to come.  We do this with a watchful eye, vigilant, alert, and prepared.  So let us fly on the wings of anticipation this Advent, and be ready for all the glory that this Season holds.

Kathleen Mock
St. Michael’s School